Sunday, 2 June 2013

How Walking helps to Cure Anxiety

Anxiety has become a daily routine in our life. Most of us who faces the problem don’t get enough way out to get rid of this problem. But walking can help you in this regard, to control your anxiety.

When you suffer from regular, persistent anxiety, you'll often seek out treatment. You'll talk to your doctor about medications, you'll consider therapy, you'll try herbal and homeopathic supplements, and you'll do anything you can to rid yourself of that anxiety forever.

No method is 100% perfect. But one amazing thing about anxiety is that it can be reduced and then leveraged by things you never thought would work. One such thing is walking. Simply walking around may be what you need to get natural anxiety relief.

Walking and Anxiety

Walking may sound silly. After all, you walk every day and you still have anxiety. But how often you're walking and when you're walking can make a considerable difference in your ability to cope.
Walking has several benefits. These benefits may be different for each person, because no one knows your current methods of coping but you. Still, the following represent some of the very real benefits of anxiety:

Benefit 1: Movement
Benefit 2: Breathing
Benefit 3: Distraction
Benefit 4: Moving up to jogging


Try these tips to get the most out of your mood-boosting walks:

•    Acknowledge the importance of a strong core. While your legs actually move you forward, it’s your engaged core muscles that allow your legs and feet to relax, making your walks more comfortable and enjoyable. As your core muscles grow stronger, envision your Center (or guiding force) becoming more stable as well. This strength will help you become more confident in your decisions, emotions, and relationships.

•    Do The Energizing Walk (20 min. to an hour). By belly-breathing as fully and often as possible, this walk helps gets your energy moving and is best done first thing in the morning or in the late afternoon when your energy begins to dip. To do this walk.

•    Begin at a relaxed pace (60-70 strides per minute). Breathe fully and slowly throughout the entire walk, emptying your lungs completely and then completely filling them with each breath cycle.

•    Walk for 5 minutes doing belly breathing. Then, imagine a stream of energy rising up your spine to the top of your head with each inhale. When you exhale, imagine the energy flowing back down the front side of your spine to your pubic bone. Do this breathing and energy visualization for the entire length of the walk.


Don’t get panic of anxiety. Click here to get the best walking shoe for you and get into a practice of walking.

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