Saturday, 18 May 2013

Prevent your feet and say good bye to blister..

Walking may cause blister in your feet, get the best walking shoe to get rid from it.

Blisters are a fluid filled sac caused by heat and/or friction. Walkers dread getting foot blisters, which can make finishing the walk a painful experience.

Ref: are the curse of walkers. You can prevent blisters and you can treat them properly when they develop to prevent further damage. Here are my proven techniques and products to keep your feet intact or to help them heal and quench the pain.


Blisters develop where rubbing from shoes and socks tears the skin. By lubricating your feet you can reduce the friction and prevent blisters. Simple lubricants include petroleum jelly, liquid silicone or powdered silicone.

Keep Your Feet Dry

Wet skin is easier to tear, leading to blister. Wicking away sweat and keeping your feet dry are a key to preventing blisters. Use cornstarch in your socks or even use antiperspirant on your feet to keep them dry. Socks made of moisture-wicking fabric, not cotton, are important to get the moisture away from your skin.

Cover Ups

If an area is already developing a hot spot or blister, or you know it is an area that will, then covering it with a blister pad is the best way to go. There are many products that do this well and provide moist protection and healing before or after a blister develops.

Blister Kits

Be prepared. Before you head out on a long walk, take along a blister kit to be ready to cover up any hot spots or treat any blisters. Here are good choices for compact kits with just what you need, easy to carry along.

Still Blistering? Maybe It's Your Shoes

Your shoes can be rubbing you wrong. Your toes need room to expand into as your feet will swell a full shoe size on a walk. You need to be fit correctly for walking shoes. Find out how and where to get that done with our Walking Shoe Guide.

Maybe It's Your Insoles

If you haven't changed shoes, but changed to a new insole or arch support, that could be the culprit in causing blisters. Investigate walking with and without the insert, insole, or arch support. Insoles can reduce the space in your shoe for your foot and toes, leading to blisters.


Treatment: When you get a blister

•    If it is small and closed, leave it alone and take steps to keep it from growing larger - stop walking, change shoes, and cover it with a loose bandage. If you can't stop, protect the blister with a donut-shaped moleskin pad leaving the area over the blister open.

•    If the blister is larger than 1 inch across, it is best to drain it.

•    Sterilize a needle with alcohol. Puncture the blister and carefully press the fluid from it. Leave the skin intact, do not peel it off. Gently wash the area with soap and water. Gently smooth the flap of skin over the blister. Apply an antibiotic ointment and a sterile bandage. Do not use alcohol or iodine. They will delay healing. Change the bandage once a day to reduce the chance of infection. Remove the bandage at night to let the area dry.

•    Call a medical provider if signs of infection develop: pain, swelling, redness, tenderness, pus or fever develop. Diabetics and people with peripheral vascular disease should also contact their medical provider if they develop blisters.


Don’t get panic of blister anytime. Just get the best walking shoe for your feet and enjoy a blister free life.

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